
  • enomrežni žerjav do Dominike

    23. julij 2024

    Razumevanje sestavnih delov enogrednega mostnega žerjava

    Introduction A single girder bridge crane is a versatile and widely used material handling system in various industrial settings. It is designed to lift and transport heavy loads efficiently. Understanding its structural components is crucial for its operation and maintenance. Main Girder The main girder is the primary horizontal beam that spans the width of…

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  • premično dvigalo

    19. julij 2024

    Zgradba in značilnosti mobilnih žerjavov

    IntroductionMobile jib cranes are versatile lifting devices designed for various industrial applications. Their mobility and flexibility make them an excellent choice for environments where fixed cranes are impractical. Understanding the structure and features of mobile jib cranes is essential for maximizing their benefits in material handling tasks.StructureBase:The base is the foundation of the mobile jib…

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  • Stenski žerjav

    18. julij 2024

    Načelo delovanja stenskega žerjava

    IntroductionA wall-mounted jib crane is a versatile and efficient material handling device widely used in workshops, warehouses, and production lines. It is designed to maximize space utilization by being mounted on an existing wall or column, eliminating the need for a floor-mounted base. Understanding its working principle is essential for optimizing its use and ensuring…

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  • BZD žerjavi

    16. julij 2024

    Pogoste težave in metode za odpravljanje težav za stebričaste žerjave

    Introduction Pillar jib cranes are reliable and efficient lifting devices used in various industries. However, like all machinery, they can encounter issues that may affect their performance and safety. Understanding common problems and their troubleshooting methods is crucial for maintaining the crane’s functionality and ensuring safe operation. Common Issues 1.Hoist MalfunctionsProblem: The hoist may fail…

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  • Prostostoječi žerjav

    15. julij 2024

    Vsestranska uporaba stebričastih žerjavov v različnih panogah

    Manufacturing and Assembly Lines Pillar jib cranes are indispensable in manufacturing and assembly lines due to their flexibility and efficiency. They are used to handle components, tools, and assemblies, facilitating the smooth flow of materials along the production line. The cranes allow for precise positioning of parts, which is crucial for assembly tasks. They are…

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  • 12. julij 2024

    Načelo delovanja grabičnega mostnega žerjava

    The grab bridge crane is a widely used equipment for loading and unloading bulk materials. It mainly relies on grab buckets for operation. Its working principle includes the following aspects: The grab bucket bridge crane consists of a bridge frame, a lifting trolley, a grab bucket, and a drive system. The bridge spans over the…

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  • kovaški mostni žerjav

    11. julij 2024

    Več scenarijev uporabe mostnih žerjavov

    Overhead cranes are widely used in various industrial fields. And their main function is to transport and load and unload heavy objects. Especially suitable for situations that require frequent handling and stacking of large items. In the manufacturing industry, bridge cranes are used for handling and assembling large components. Industries such as mechanical equipment, automotive…

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  • 11. julij 2024

    Učinkovita rešitev za dviganje - evropski mostni žerjav z eno gredjo

    The European single beam bridge crane is an efficient, economical, and intelligent lifting equipment mainly used for material handling in modern industrial production. The following is a detailed introduction to the European style single beam bridge crane: 1. Structural characteristics Single main beam design: The European single beam bridge crane adopts a single main beam…

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  • industrijski mostni žerjav

    10. julij 2024

    Koliko let na splošno lahko zdržijo mostni žerjavi

    The service life of bridge cranes is usually between 15 and 30 years, which mainly depends on their design and manufacturing quality. High quality overhead cranes, using high-quality materials and advanced manufacturing processes, can have a service life of over 30 years. On the contrary, ordinary quality cranes typically have a service life of 15 to…

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  • portal z gumijastimi kolesi

    27. junij 2024

    Zakaj izbrati portalni žerjav z gumijastimi kolesi

    Rubber Tired Gantry Crane (RTG) is a lifting equipment widely used in ports, docks, and container yards. Due to its unique design and flexible operation characteristics, RTG performs excellently in container handling and stacking operations. The following are the advantages of tire mounted gantry cranes: Highly flexible Free movement: RTG can move freely on the…

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