
  • Single Girder Underslung Overhead Crane

    16 April 2024

    Pelanggaran Umum Saat Bridge Crane Mengangkat Benda Berat

    1、 Unlicensed use of bridge crane for lifting operations Main hazards: Untrained, lack of common sense, prone to operational errors, resulting in lifting injury accidents. Response measures: Strengthen regulatory efforts and strictly prohibit non certified lifting workers from carrying out lifting operations. 2、 Failure to wear labor protection equipment as required when entering the work…

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  • Derek jembatan listrik LD

    16 April 2024

    Prinsip Kerja Derek Jembatan Balok Tunggal

    The working principle of a single beam bridge crane is mainly to drive the main beam of the crane through an electric end beam. The electric hoist lifts the goods and moves them through the running track. The overall motion control of the crane is achieved through a control system. This working principle enables the…

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  • foto-situs-keran-gantri.

    11 April 2024

    Tindakan Pencegahan untuk Pemasangan Gantry Crane

    1. Before installing the gantry crane, the installation plan should be determined based on the lifting equipment used for on-site installation, and installation technical measures should be formulated. And provide safety technical briefing to installation workers. 2. The installation site should be flat and hardened. The entrance and exit roads should be unobstructed with no…

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  • kereta api-gantry-crane-untuk-dijual

    10 April 2024

    Bagaimana cara mengatasi kerusakan gantry crane yang tiba-tiba?

    The sudden failure of the gantry crane requires following the principles of safety, speed, and accuracy, taking appropriate emergency and repair measures to ensure the safety of personnel and equipment. At the same time, strengthening the maintenance and upkeep of equipment, improving the skills and qualities of operators, is also an important measure to prevent…

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  • ladle handling crane for sale

    03 April 2024

    Perlindungan Keselamatan Derek Overhead Metalurgi

    Due to its ability to significantly reduce the intensity of physical labor and improve labor productivity, metallurgical overhead crane has become an indispensable mechanical equipment in modern industry. Lifting machinery has the characteristics of large changes in mechanical load, diverse lifting forms, wide range of activity and operation, and complex working environment. Characteristics of metallurgical…

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  • gantry ban karet

    22 Maret 2024

    Skenario apa yang cocok untuk gantry crane berban karet?

    The rubber tyred gantry crane is suitable for the following scenarios and industries: Ports and freight logistics: Container gantry cranes are widely used in port terminals and freight logistics sites. Used for loading and unloading containers, stacking, and handling goods. Construction site: In construction sites, rubber tyred gantry crane can be used for handling and…

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  • Hoist-Trolley-16-Ton-Overhead-Crane-with-Cabin-Control-for-Sale

    21 Maret 2024

    Instalasi Listrik dan Commissioning Bridge Crane

    In the construction of power plants, bridge crane are a widely used lifting equipment. Its frequent use, heavy workload, and high vibration result in a high failure rate. Scientific and reasonable construction methods are the key to ensuring installation quality during the electrical installation and commissioning process of bridge cranes. The installation of electrical equipment…

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  • gantri yang dipasang di rel

    14 Maret 2024

    Alasan memasang perangkat pengereman darurat pada gantry crane

    Pemasangan perangkat pengereman darurat pada gantry crane menjadi semakin diperlukan. Karena peran penting perangkat ini dalam menjamin keselamatan pekerja dan peralatan itu sendiri. Ada beberapa alasan mengapa penting untuk memiliki perangkat pengereman darurat pada gantry crane. Pertama, penggunaan darurat…

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  • Derek jembatan atas gelagar ganda seberat 50 ton

    13 Maret 2024

    Apa itu derek jembatan troli ganda?

    Derek jembatan troli ganda adalah alat pengangkat yang umum. Mengadopsi struktur jembatan dengan dua mobil kecil dan dua balok utama. Ini banyak digunakan di berbagai bidang industri untuk operasi pengangkatan dan pembongkaran benda berat di dalam dan luar ruangan. Artikel ini akan memberikan pengenalan rinci tentang definisi, prinsip kerja, dan aplikasi industri…

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  • derek ambil 12,5T

    12 Maret 2024

    Kesalahan Listrik Umum Pada Derek Jembatan Pengangkut Sampah

    Derek pengangkut sampah merupakan salah satu peralatan penting pada pembangkit listrik pembakaran sampah. Fungsinya untuk mengambil, mengaduk, dan memfermentasi sampah rumah tangga di tempat penyimpanan sampah rumah tangga. Dan memasukkan sampah rumah tangga yang telah difermentasi ke dalam ketel insinerasi untuk dibakar. Memahami peralatan kelistrikan derek penarik sampah adalah…

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